Tenor hands

How Can You Support Atlanta CV?


GoodSearch logoIf you do any shopping online through major retailers like WalMart, NewEgg, BestBuy, Victoria’s Secret or many other retailers you can help support Atlanta CV by using GoodShop and GoodSearch.  Simply follow the link and click “Get Started.”  Type in “Atlanta CV” as your charity and then follow the instructions. Using the “GoodShop” links a percentage of everything you buy online will be given to Atlanta CV to support our organization. You can also earn benefits for CV when you search the web or dine out.


Kroger Community Rewards

Kroger Community Rewards logoYou can now support Atlanta CV by simply buying groceries!! Kroger has a great program called Kroger Community Rewards that will donate a percentage of everything that you buy at Kroger using your Kroger Plus Card. Just follow the easy steps below and start shopping!!!

  1. Visit www.krogercommunityrewards.com and sign up to create an account.
  2. Enter your zip code to choose your preferred location and enter your information.
  3. Check your email for a confirmation from Kroger, click the link and log in.
  4. Click “Edit Kroger Community Rewards” information and input your Kroger plus card #. You’ll need to either enter Atlanta CV’s NPO #67783 or search under our name and select Atlanta CV. CV’s name will show up on the right side of your screen. Be sure to save any changes!!
  5. Remember to swipe your card every time that you shop at Kroger and CV will receive a percentage!!

If you don’t have a Kroger Plus Card, you can pick one up at any Kroger customer service counter. You must have a Georgia address to register to support Atlanta CV!


iGive.com logo Use “i-Give” to shop at scores of your favorite online retailers, and you will be supporting your favorite drum corps too!  Atlanta CV receives a cash incentive for every purchase made through the i-Give program.   You shop – i Give!


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